Welcome to Cross-written
Posted on 03.09


Filed Under () By Fida Abbott di 03.09

kemerdekaanku adalah
saat aku bebas berkata
ya atau tidak tanpa ada paksaan

kemerdekaanku adalah
saat aku bebas melangkah
kesana dan kemari tanpa ada penghadang

kemerdekaanku adalah
saat aku bebas berlari
mencapai tujuan akhir tanpa penghambat

kemerdekaanku adalah
saat aku bebas mengemukakan
pendapat untuk kebaikan

kemerdekaanku adalah
saat aku merasa hidup
sebagai aku sendiri
atas jati diriku sendiri
bukan polesan palsu
indah terlihat di luar
tetapi busuk dari dalam

kemerdekaanku adalah
saat aku merasa tak tertekan
menikmati hak yang aku miliki
tanpa melalaikan kewajiban
tanpa melanggar aturan
tanpa menyakiti hati yang lain
menghormati sesama
menghormati perbedaan
mendukung yang lemah
mendukung perbaikan
merangkul yang tertindas
mengasihi sesama
tanpa pamrih

Coatesville, 17 Agustus 2007

Selamat memperingati HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke-62 tahun
Salam Penulis dari Pennsylvania

Posted on 18.28

good out of evil

Filed Under () By olivia di 18.28

I don't have many things to tell, but I have small testimony that I want to share..

I think.. more and more, day by day, I love this small city of Singapore. This city is nice. But most of all, is because my faith is renewed here. I'm thankful for that.

I remember the days before I came to this city. Days that I spent in my hometown, Jakarta. Can be said, that time was one of the lowest points in my life. I spend my days just watched cartoon, almost all the time. I watched Hello Kitty almost every day. And hope wish I could be part of it. So cute, sweet, and peaceful. Real life seemed too hard to overcome. And in that period also, for the first time I watched Peanuts and fell for the cartoon. I think many of my friends already know how I like the cartoon (Peanuts), but just some of them know that I fell for Peanuts because.. I felt like Charlie Brown.. That boy who always fails, feels ruin everything, and lonely all the time. That exactly what I felt..

Then.. I came to Singapore. Looking for job. Got one, which until today, I'm still grateful about it. I thank God for my job.

I thank God also.. for friends He's given me here. I thank God also.. for amazing people He put around me that have become a very blessing for me. And most of all, like I said before, I'm thankful for Him to renew my faith, once again.

I'm thankful for so many things, but it doesn't mean I'm happy always. There still were times I felt sad and hopeless.. but everytime I looked back, remembering stressful moments I went through in Jakarta, and how God took me all the way long from Jakarta to Singapore through many amazing things happened; my faith spoke to me one thing.. "Though I cannot see, God is at work; and though I can't feel, God is in control."

One thing that I love in walking with God that.. everytime I look back, there is no regret. Many bad things happened, and many of them because of my own stupidity.. But when I surrendered it to God, He turned out all those bad things into good. I heard this before, that God could bring good out of evil. And I know, it's for true.

I believe, in a due time, we'll see that bad things happen to God's children, turn out to be good for them, and become God's tool to glorify Him. In a due time (which I have to admit, sometimes takes very long, and perhaps extends to eternity), God will exalt His children - people who love Him and live obeying Him. In a due time, we will see, that God is faithful to His promises.

Okay, I think that's all..

God bless.