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Posted on 18.28

good out of evil

Filed Under () By olivia di 18.28

I don't have many things to tell, but I have small testimony that I want to share..

I think.. more and more, day by day, I love this small city of Singapore. This city is nice. But most of all, is because my faith is renewed here. I'm thankful for that.

I remember the days before I came to this city. Days that I spent in my hometown, Jakarta. Can be said, that time was one of the lowest points in my life. I spend my days just watched cartoon, almost all the time. I watched Hello Kitty almost every day. And hope wish I could be part of it. So cute, sweet, and peaceful. Real life seemed too hard to overcome. And in that period also, for the first time I watched Peanuts and fell for the cartoon. I think many of my friends already know how I like the cartoon (Peanuts), but just some of them know that I fell for Peanuts because.. I felt like Charlie Brown.. That boy who always fails, feels ruin everything, and lonely all the time. That exactly what I felt..

Then.. I came to Singapore. Looking for job. Got one, which until today, I'm still grateful about it. I thank God for my job.

I thank God also.. for friends He's given me here. I thank God also.. for amazing people He put around me that have become a very blessing for me. And most of all, like I said before, I'm thankful for Him to renew my faith, once again.

I'm thankful for so many things, but it doesn't mean I'm happy always. There still were times I felt sad and hopeless.. but everytime I looked back, remembering stressful moments I went through in Jakarta, and how God took me all the way long from Jakarta to Singapore through many amazing things happened; my faith spoke to me one thing.. "Though I cannot see, God is at work; and though I can't feel, God is in control."

One thing that I love in walking with God that.. everytime I look back, there is no regret. Many bad things happened, and many of them because of my own stupidity.. But when I surrendered it to God, He turned out all those bad things into good. I heard this before, that God could bring good out of evil. And I know, it's for true.

I believe, in a due time, we'll see that bad things happen to God's children, turn out to be good for them, and become God's tool to glorify Him. In a due time (which I have to admit, sometimes takes very long, and perhaps extends to eternity), God will exalt His children - people who love Him and live obeying Him. In a due time, we will see, that God is faithful to His promises.

Okay, I think that's all..

God bless.

2 komentar

Jed Revolutia on 11 Agustus 2007 pukul 08.58  

amen amen

Fida Abbott on 12 Agustus 2007 pukul 22.14  

Yes, Mbak Olivia.
GBU !!!!!!