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Posted on 22.50

We Are The Reason

Filed Under () By Jed Revolutia di 22.50

Berikut ini adalah tulisan dari salah satu penulis XW, yakni Olivia, yang dititipkan ke Jed buat di post:

sekarang udah mau Christmas. Horee!! Seneng. The best season of all.

Dan boleh dibilang, Singapur tambah bagus during this season, dihias dimana-mana. Penuh lampu. Cantik. Trus juga banyak jualan merchandise Christmas yang fancy-fancy, kue-kue natal yang (kayaknya) enak, coklat-coklat yang lucu & (biasanya pasti) enak, n parcel-parcel menarik. Banyak deh pokoknya. Christmas bener-bener dijadiin ajang komersial dengan jualan & diskon dimana-mana. Bukan cuman itu, bahkan Christmas juga dijadiin suatu event romantis buat dirayain sama pasangan. They celebrate it. They really intend to make it a 'merry' Christmas. It's really merry everywhere.

Tapi seandainya kalo ditanya ke mereka Christmas ngerayain apa, gua yakin banyak Singaporean yang blur. Ataupun mereka tau, tapi ga peduli. They just like the 'merry', without like the 'christmas' itself.

Gua bukan bermaksud sok dalem dan memberikan 'wejangan ala kakek', tapi yah as all we know (at least all Christians suppose to know), christmas is not about party and all, it's about Jesus came to the world. God loves the world so much, so He sent Jesus to the world to save the people.

Gua sendiri, terus-terang, sering terbuai sama suasana natal & film-film natal about miracle and all. Wishing that Christmas really has its own magic & brings miracle to my life. Thinking how wonderful it is if your wish comes true at Christmas.

I think, sometimes I forget what Christmas is all about. It's not the miracle has not yet happened, but it happened already. When God himself, as a baby he appeared, came to this world to live among people. In the end, he let himself to be crucified to save human.

Emang sih susah dibayangin sih menurut gua. Maksud gua, apa gunanya bayi yang lahir 2000 taon buat kehidupan kita sekarang? Ga bikin diri kita tambah pinter, tambah cakep, ato tambah keren. Ga bikin masalah yang kita punya jadi selesai ato paling ngga tambah dikit. Ga bikin tambah kaya, dan hidup juga ga jadi lebih mudah. Everything just goes the same. Makanya mikirin 'Christmas with its magic' kayaknya jauh lebih nyenengin bandingin bayi yang lahir di kandang.

Tapi yah, sekali lagi kenyataannya, Christmas is never about magic and all, it's only about one thing, is about.. gift. Gift of love. God's love. How much he loves people. Loves you. Loves me. Individually*. So he gave 'his only beloved son' as a gift. Jesus.

Even if our situation right now seems 'bleak', it doesn't mean God doesn't care. He's sent his 'only son' for us, he won't just be silent and 'do nothing' to our situation. He will 'save' us in the due time.

Yah semuanya kepikiran pas ke gereja kemaren. Oh ya btw, gua bakal join carolling (nyanyi-nyanyi lagu natal) di dialisis center nanti. [Dialisis center: gua juga ga jelas gimana nulisnya & ini apaan. Kemaren ga gitu dengerin. Tapi yang pasti orang-orang sakit gitu. Kayaknya sih pasien cuci darah gitu. Kalo ga salah. Cari info dulu nanti :P]

But.. I do hope miracle really happens this Christmas.. that people realize & feel that God loves them. Dearly.

As little children we would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys we knew we'd find
But we never realized a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives

We were the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

~ taken from 'We Are The Reason ~

* To be honest, it was difficult for me to believe that God loved me individually. Believing 'God loves people' was easy, 'God loves you' was easy, 'God loves him/her' was easy, but 'God loves me' was tremendously difficult - at least in my case. It took long process until I could believe it in the end.

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