Welcome to Cross-written
Posted on 09.04

Be free!

Filed Under () By dung2x di 09.04

Kenapa sih kita butuh brothers and sisters in Christ? Bukankah sebenernya yang penting itu hubungan dengan Tuhan? Bisa nggak sih kita survive cuma dengan hubungan dgn Tuhan tanpa hubungan dgn sesama believers?

Well let me share you the lesson I learned... Udah lama aku menyimpan satu beban dalam hati. Aku pikir aku cukup serahkan beban itu ke Tuhan aja, and it should be enough. Tapi ternyata selama ini, meski kupikir aku udah lepasin beban itu, ternyata deep down in my heart, it is still there. And from time to time, iblis pake beban itu untuk accuse and condemn me. Berkali2 aku minta pengampunan ama Tuhan... Meski tau bahwa darah Yesus udah menghapuskan segala dosa, tapi somehow that burden still lingers in my heart and I was never really set free.

Tapi Tuhan itu baik and His love endureth forever. He gave me a chance to finally share my problem with a sister in Christ. Meski aku ragu2 pertamanya, tp aku ngerasa sudah saatnya aku beresin beban ini. I told her all my burdens, and we prayed together about it, releasing forgiveness and blessings. After the prayer, you can't imagine how much difference it made me feel. Meski cuma share dengan satu orang, tapi aku baru bener2 ngerasa beban itu terlepas. Aku ngerasa aku udah declare ke iblis, "Nih, aku ga takut! Ga ada yg kusembunyikan! Aku dah lepasin bebanku! Dan kau, iblis ga ada hak lagi untuk condemn me!!!" Truly now I walk in so much freedom and liberation!

Dari sini aku belajar kalo sharing dengan sodara seiman itu bisa bantu kita untuk let go of things. So kalo kalian ada pergumulan yg sepertinya susah sekali untuk keluar, dan kayanya kalian ngerasa ga berdaya, berjuang melawan something yg sepertinya ga selesai2, I suggest you to find a trustworthy brother/sister in Christ and share your problems. Seperti yg ditulis di Yakobus 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." I find it true! By confessing everything, I was healed and I was set free! "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)

Dan bukan kebetulan Paskah udah dekat ni... As Jesus raised from the dead, defeated satan, and set us free from the punishment, make the choice to be set free! Jesus has come that we may have life, and have it abundantly! (John 10:10). There is no more condemnation in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1) Jadi jangan takut2 untuk share your problems ya! Jangan mau diikat oleh iblis dan dicondemn terus2an. BE FREE TODAY! ^^

PS: Read Ephesian 1 for reference :)

1 komentar

Anonim on 2 April 2007 pukul 10.20  

Tidak ada Lone Ranger dalam hal iman...kita butuh satu sama lain karena kita saling menyempurnakan satu sama lain.

Nice Article.