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Posted on 13.41

Meaning of passover

Filed Under () By Friend of God di 13.41

Tiap taon kita ngerayain paskah, yang merupakan peringatan akan kebangkitan Yesus setelah disalibkan. Gw inget pas masih SD, kita selalu bikin telur terus dihias, then diliat siapa yang paling bagus. Kalo sekarang, tiap hari minggu gereja biasanya ngadain holly communion in remembrance of Jesus's crucifixion. But one thing that we need to ask ourselves, do we really understand the meaning of passover? Do we really grasp it? Or is it just another routine that we should remember every year? Through this simple article, I just want to share a little bit with all of you about the meaning of passover.

Jesus was crucified about 2000 years ago to redeem all of us so that we would have eternal life inHim, then He rose on the 3rd day, which now we remember it as passover. But the problem is do we really have Him arise in our heart? Do we really let Him be the real God of resurection in our lives? Because His crucifixion would mean nothing unless we totally let Him be our God and savior in our heart.

2 komentar

Jed Revolutia on 8 April 2007 pukul 13.58  

bener neh...

saatnya kita merenungi makna paskah sesungguhnya...The Risen Christ dan membuang semua selebrasi yang merusak makna seperti the bunny, the eggs, dll...

dung2x on 9 April 2007 pukul 13.31  

Btw, I have a question... Paskah ama Passover ama Easter sama kah?